
Selectthetextthatyouwanttocenter.OntheHometab,intheParagraphgroup,clickCenter.Centerthetextverticallybetweenthetopandbottommargins.,2023年8月9日—IfinWord2007orlater,usetheAlignmentTabfeature.Itautomaticallyadjuststoyourlayout/margins.HereiswhatI'vewrittenonitin ...,2016年10月20日—PressTab,typethetextthatshouldbecenter-aligned,pressTabagain,andtypethetextthatshouldberight-aligned.,2016年3月26日...

Align text left or right, center text, or justify text on a page

Select the text that you want to center. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Center . Center the text vertically between the top and bottom margins.

Create an always

2023年8月9日 — If in Word 2007 or later, use the Alignment Tab feature. It automatically adjusts to your layout/margins. Here is what I've written on it in ...

How to add a tab stop in Word with a center and right ...

2016年10月20日 — Press Tab , type the text that should be center-aligned, press Tab again, and type the text that should be right-aligned.

How to Center Text with Tabs in Word 2016

2016年3月26日 — The center tab in Word 2016 is a unique critter with a special purpose: Text placed at a center tab is centered on a line.

Set or change the tab stops

A left tab stop sets the start position of text that will run to the right as you type. A center tab stop sets the position at the middle of the text.

Special Center & Right tabs in Word

2020年12月31日 — I seem to have come across two special tabs for Center and Right alignment. These do not seem to need to bet setup in Tab Bar.

When a tab is not just a tab, part 3

Center tabs allow a Microsoft Word user to define another horizontal point across which to center text. Thus, when you hit the Tab key to go to a center tab and ...